equal societies
thriving economies
sustainable environments
Africa Vision Properties is committed to building equal societies, thriving economies and sustainable environments in the form of human-centric developments & integrated urban or rural environments.
We develop or redevelop listed or unlisted real estate, urban infrastructure or deprived land to help build sustainable cities and communities whilst developing and sustaining resilient partnerships for the goals.
AVP combines multi-praxis urban development strategists, real estate management experts and multi-dimensional risk mitigation, adaptation, future-proofing, sustainability or resiliency support to build-back-better.

AVP works collaboratively to combine the latest trends in urbanisation with the appropriate policy, planning, strategy, governance, resiliency mechanisms and delivery tools to bring solutions that contribute positively towards building green, sustainable and equitable assets, services, neighbourhoods, communities, cities and ecosystems.
Our agricultural portfolios are purposed to sequester maximum carbon whilst our real estate and urban infrastructure portfolios aim to reduce harmful GHG emissions in nature and form. We promote circular methods, carbon neutral solutions and climate positive investments. We effectively govern carbon & climate related investments with global oversight.
AVP applies incentive-based planning, development policy actions, institutional modelling and financing tools or mechanisms like matching grants, land value capture instruments, impact bonds, crowd funds, value offsets, etc. Similarly, we advise governments on impediment mechanisms to effectively govern positive change efforts.
We advise on smart city or agriculture & food-related policy-making interventions or practical delivery initiatives that propose to positively change aspects related to environmental sustainability, social equity, economic development and good governance. We apply appropriate technological solutions to co-innovate and co-create for co-benefits.
WISI Africa
WISI Africa is a unique international collaboration with Wisinomad. Our mandate is to build and operate student accommodation and co-living facilities across Africa and the global south.
WISI is focussed on real estate development & management, urban / city regeneration, sustainability, effective transportation and citizen empowerment.
We bring together remote workers, digital nomads, local innovators, institutions and global MBA students to co-live and co-work in the same spaces.
Our immersive programme is designed with social impact embedded at the core. It can be loosely defined as a hub for social entrepreneurs, impact investors and sustainability specialists achieving a positive confluence of live, work, learning and play. We strive to add value in the communities we serve by building local economic empowerment and income generation opportunities.
Our efforts contribute towards building sustainable cities and communities.