A uniquely qualified sustainability investment, urban development, real estate management, project aggregation & clearing platform that aligns global impact capital with bankable and outcome-oriented projects in Africa and across the Global South.
Investors & Institutions
We work with policy-makers, multi-lateral institutions, impact investors, social enterprises, governments and committed individuals around the world to drive positive outcomes in Africa and across the Global South.
We look forward to partnering with you or your organisation.
Contact us to discuss, align or confirm your funding mandate, terms and conditions.
Promoters & Clients
We aggregate & clear innovative sustainability investments, urban developments, real estate & capital projects aligned to the NUA, PA & SDGs.
We drive positive change by making sustainable choices and through outcome-oriented initiatives working with committed, capable & trustworthy partners.
We seek promoters with the necessary passion and commitment to co-create bankable projects for combined outcomes.

Expert Multi-Dimensional Strategic Planning, Design
& Execution Management.
Independent Local Delivery Frameworks & Mechanisms.
Impact, Design, Cost, Risk, Compliance, Value, Payment, Delivery, Validation,
Portfolio/Project Oversight
& Program Management.

Integrated Governance for the New Urban Agenda
Value & Outcome Management
10 Principles
17 Goals
169 Targets
Solutions purposed for
& to Build Back Better.

Independent multi-praxis global advisory and expert
inter-disciplinary strategic
oversight combined with governance, analysis, planning, design, stakeholder management and support tools or mechanisms including multi-dimensional
impact measurement and management support/IMM.